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Specializing in indigenous trees, aloes and succulents

Fluweel rosyntjiebos (Grewia flava)

Sales price R 35,00

Product Description
A hardy shrub or small tree up to ± 4 m high, it gives an impressive show of yellow, star-shaped flowers in summer. This tree is ideal to attract birds to your garden and will make them stay longer or become regular visitors because of the abundance of fruit produced.

A hardy shrub or small tree up to ± 4 m high, it gives an impressive show of yellow, star-shaped flowers in summer. This tree is ideal to attract birds to your garden and will make them stay longer or become regular visitors because of the abundance of fruit produced. Grewia flava is a shrub or small tree, 2–4 m tall. The grey bark on the young branches, which is usually covered with thick-growing but quite short hairs, tends to turn dark grey and becomes smooth the older the tree gets; this is also noticeable on the stems. The greyish green leaves are alternately arranged and are covered in fine hairs and it appears to be a lighter shade of green on the underside of the leaves. The apex (tip of the leaves) is rounded, whereas the margin is serrated. Three conspicuous veins from the leaf base is characteristic of this tree; a 2 mm long leaf stalk is also very noticeable. Read more at resource: