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Specializing in indigenous trees, aloes and succulents

Bloubos (Diospyros Lycioides)

Sales price R 35,00

Product Description
Diospyros lycioides, commonly called the bushveld bluebush, is a species of African Diospyros.

Diospyros lycioides, commonly called the bushveld bluebush, is a species of African Diospyros. It is native to central and southern Africa, except the winter-rainfall area. It appears in Australia and is known as a weed there. Its root and stem are used as toothbrushes, and its wood is used for spoons, toys, construction, and furniture.[2] In South Africa, its fruits are used to make beer and other alcoholic drinks, and its seeds are used as a coffee substitute[3]. It also has many medicinal uses, including treating cold and coughs by chewing the roots, and using the powdered bark of the root as an abortifacient.[2] It has 3-4 subspecies, including Diospyros lycioides subsp. guerkei, Diospyros lycioides subsp. nitens, and Diospyros lycioides subsp. sericea.[3] Its leaves are also food for the Mooi River Opal butterfly (Chrysoritis lycegenes), and its flowers are attractive to many animals, namely bees and a few African birds. It can form thickets, and it usually grows up to three meters high, though at its tallest it can be eight meters.[4] It is one of twenty species of Diospyros in Africa.[4] Reference: -